
What is Biodiversity and who are the Caithness Biodiversity Group?

Biodiversity is a word used to describe the variation and richness of all life where we live. Biodiversity concerns people and nature, it is essential to life and also the quality of our lives. Caithness has a rich biodiversity in a range of habitats, from the famous blanket bogs to coastal dune systems, supporting a diverse variety flora and fauna which may be affected by external changes. To ensure better understanding of our environment and promote awareness of biodiversity in Caithness the Caithness Biodiversity Group was formed and set its objectives to:-

  • To know about, promote and improve the biological diversity of the Caithness Area of the Highland Region of Scotland.
  • To assist Highland Council with the upkeep, revision and implementation of the Caithness Biodiversity Action Plan.

The Caithness Biodiversity Group comprises of representatives from local groups with an interest in the countryside, representatives of larger environmental organisations and private individuals with knowledge or enthusiasm to contribute to the Caithness environment.

In 2003 a Local Biodiversity Action Plan was written for Caithness by the Local Biodiversity Caithness Biodiversity Group with help from Highland and Caithness Biodiversity Officers. It forms part of a suite of Local Biodiversity Action Plans produced for the Highland Council area by the Highland Biodiversity Project.

Please note The Caithness Biodiversity Group closed in 2022.

We have set up a new voluntary group called the Caithness Environment Volunteers. This meets once a month and carries out environmental tasks in Caithness. If you are interested you can follow us on our Facebook Page or if you wish to join us then e mail the secretary at caithnessenvols@outlook.com

For news, events and more information, please visit our Facebook page.